By Joshua Phillips, ND

Thyroid Health is Key to Wellness

Thyroid disease is a very common illness in the US and despite its prevalence and a great deal of medical awareness, many individuals live with symptoms without a diagnosis or adequate treatment. Even more commonly, the condition is not treated or monitored as thoroughly as it could be.  As many as 20% of the middle aged to elderly population, particularly women, have symptoms and lab results consistent with hypothyroidism.

Why is the body’s production of thyroid hormone so important?

This important hormone affects nearly every organ system in the body, and is especially important for the normal and healthy function of the brain, the cardiovascular system, digestion, bone health and metabolism. It is especially important for regulating the body’s metabolism, having a big impact on weight gain or loss, and energy levels. Low energy levels, weight gain, hair loss, constipation, muscle aches and depression are among the most common symptoms experienced with hypothyroidism. Less commonly, HYPERthyroidism can cause just the opposite; weight loss, anxiety and sleeplessness.

Why would the body become low in thyroid hormone levels?

There are a number of causes, while the most common has to do with an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s. This condition occurs when the body begins producing antibodies that damage it’s own thyroid gland. Over time this renders the thyroid gland unable to produce optimal amounts of thyroid hormone. This cause of hypothyroidism is easily discovered by testing on lab work.

The drug Levothyroxine (aka Synthroid) is the medication that is most commonly prescribed to address hypothyroidism. It is so common in fact, that in 2020 it was the 4th most prescribed medication in the US. This medication works fine for many, however for others a more complete formulation of thyroid hormone works much more effectively.

The Naturopathic Approach to Hypothyroidism

Furthermore, when the cause of hypothyroidism involves the previously described autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s, it becomes crucial that the treatment involves more than just a thyroid hormone prescription. This is an area where Naturopathic medicine really shines.  In addition to replacing necessary hormones, Naturopathic physicians are able to put together comprehensive plans that address all of the underlying contributors to the autoimmune process. In many cases this involves getting the digestive system optimally healthy, identifying food allergies or other immune system triggers, as well as prescribing specific nutrients that will aid in creating a less reactive immune system. Sometimes there are also lifestyle and mental/emotional issues than can exacerbate an autoimmune process.

Naturopathic physicians tend to do very thorough laboratory workups to ensure that the nature of the thyroid condition is fully understood, and then put together plans that are customized to the unique sets of underlying causes for each individual. While the end result (low levels of thyroid hormone) may be the same for many people, the underlying causes and contributing factors are commonly unique from person to person.

If you are suspicious of hypo (or hyper) thyroidism, consider an appointment with one of our Natuorpathic physicians for a full workup.