Many people are practicing techniques to enhance their health such as meditation, exercise, and improved diet. As this is done, a deeper awareness often develops of the flow of subtle energies in and around the body and the connection between these subtle energies and one’s health. This developing awareness reflects the ancient idea of ‘life force energy,’ which in abundance causes health and in deficiency causes illness.
Enhancing the flow of life force energy
The existence of life force energy and the necessity for it to flow freely in and around one’s body to maintain health has been studied and acknowledged by health care practitioners and scientists for millennia. Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese healing technique, which has been practiced over two-thousand years. The meaning of is derived from ‘Rei’ which means ‘universal’ and ‘Ki’ which means ‘life force energy.’
Our body is composed not only of physical elements such as muscles, bones, nerves, and organs. It also has a subtle energy system through which life force energy flows. This subtle energy system is composed of energy centers throughout and around our physical body, which assist us in processing our thoughts, emotions, and life experiences. These energy centers flow like rivers, nourishing us, carrying our life force energy, and allowing life force to circulate through the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
Our physical body is alive because of the life force energy that is flowing through it. If our life force is low or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. If our life force is high and flowing freely, we more easily maintain health and a state of well-being. One thing that disrupts and weakens the flow of life force energy is stress. Stress is prevalent, and it easily gets lodged in one’s subtle energy system. Chronic stress can block the body’s natural ability to repair and regenerate itself. The effects of unreleased stress range from minor aches to major health concerns, such as heart disease, digestive disorders, depression, anxiety, and more.
How reiki supports healing
Reiki is a technique that aids the body in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation, thereby promoting healing and health. Reiki healing is a technique for transmitting life force energy through the hands of a practitioner into the receiver’s energy system. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently and effectively opens blocked energy channels and clears the energy bodies, leaving one feeling relaxed and at peace.
Reiki can:
- Provide deep relaxation, centering, and calming
- Enhance one’s sense of well-being
- Soothe anxiety and depression
- Balance the nervous system
- Improve sleep
- Ease pain, discomfort, and fatigue
- Support healing from illness and injury
- Increase concentration and mental clarity
- Boost the immune system and clear the body of toxins
Positive results for patients
Reiki clients commonly experience peacefulness and a heightened sense of well-being. Many people describe a treatment as warm, gentle energy flowing through and comforting them. Reiki treats the person’s body, emotions, mind, and spirit as a whole. Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of healing that everyone can benefit from. Reiki supports any medical or supplemental healing methods one may be using and is a growing offering in many hospitals.
Anyone can tap into an unlimited supply of life force energy to improve health and enhance their quality of life by receiving treatments from a Reiki Practitioner. For those prioritizing good health and reducing risk of dis-ease, integrating Reiki as a means of caring for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being can be a tremendous addition to one’s self-care practices.
To schedule an appointment with Natasha, call 541-330-0334 or visit our online form to request an appointment.