Are you yearning for a simpler life? Have you recently set new goals for 2024 or rekindled your determination to fulfill last year’s intentions? Perhaps, amid your aspirations, you’re grappling with doubt, feeling a reluctance to press on. It’s not uncommon to encounter a “slump” when striving for self-improvement or change. Why does this happen, and how can you overcome it?

Enter the realm of hypnosis with Amy Kowalski—a potential ally in reigniting that spark and staying committed to the path you’ve embarked upon. While you are the architect of your destiny, past beliefs often resurface over time. The initial enthusiasm for making a positive change can be overshadowed by the “comfort” of adhering to conditioned behaviors, even if they are uncomfortable or harmful. Hypnosis, a powerful tool, can assist in breaking these patterns, whether it’s altering habits, embracing a life of ease and abundance, or pursuing better health to escape the shackles of pain.

The decision to change doesn’t always have to be monumental; it can be as simple as committing to brushing your teeth twice a day instead of once. Hypnosis, contrary to common misconceptions, is accessible to everyone. Our brains naturally transition through various frequencies daily, entering different states of consciousness. Even if you don’t believe in hypnosis, you’re already experiencing it during moments like driving, watching TV, or reading a captivating book. It’s not mind-washing; rather, it’s a frequency state our unconscious naturally enters.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Consider watching the same movie while on the phone—you won’t have the same reaction. Your subconscious chooses what to focus on. Having a guide, like Amy, can be invaluable in directing your subconscious toward desired outcomes and goals, steering clear of distractions.

Amy Kowalski, LMTAmy is prepared and enthusiastic about being your guide on this hypnotic journey, assisting you in achieving established goals or creating new ones. Even if you haven’t set intentions for the year, it’s never too late to embark on a positive transformation. Any day can be your first step toward a new beginning, and Amy is eager to support you on this transformative journey.

Appointments with Amy are available by calling 541-330-0334 email or visit our online request form.