December 20th – 22nd 10-11:30am
$60 (3 day series) $25 (drop-in)
Three day series offered during Winter Break for children K-5th grade. Class teaches simple yoga techniques specific to children, integrating social emotional awareness, community building games, a guided relaxation story, and ending each day with a “mindful snack”*. While many drop-off daycares and after-school programs leave your children more amped up than they arrived this will bring a sense of calm and comfort to you and you’re your child during the holiday season.
Anna Thedford, M.A., LPCI is a former school counselor and recently relocated to Bend with her family to establish her private practice as a Child and Family Therapist. She is a certified Yoga Calm® instructor where she uses her background in counseling to integrate a deeper yoga practice for kids to express themselves. She engages kids in a light hearted fun practice while encouraging mindfulness.
Space is limited to 10 children each day. Yoga mats will be provided. Please have children wear comfortable clothing.
*Please include any information on food allergies or food restrictions in your registration for our “Mindful Snack Activity”. This activity is a nice way to end each class with healthy tasty options where we look to enjoy organic, local, and/or seasonal goodies and talk about it.