I often get clients with recurring sciatic nerve pain that starts in their tushes and refers down the back, side of their leg(s), and sometimes, even down the front of their legs. Their pain ranges from mild, achy discomfort to shooting/stabbing pain that can prevent them from sleeping well, from wanting to stand… or sit… or walk, and even causing them to seek the assistance of an MD.

Sciatica can be a tricky one to subdue, and even more difficult to eradicate. From our largely sedentary lifestyles, sciatica is only worsened. I often find that massage can be of great assistance in lessening this pesky pain, however, in a *pinch* (pun fully intended) one can do some at-home self care to minimize what they’re experiencing!

Here’s a list of several things you can do on the journey to get right as rain!

1) Stretch! – Take a look online for examples of simple yoga poses such as pigeon, supine, seated twist, cow’s face pose, and more.

2) Get moving! – As much as you’d rather be laying in bed, nursing your pain, moving can help lubricate and warm the muscles that play a role in causing the pain. Take a walk around the neighborhood at a pace that suites you.

3) Hot/Cold! – Try alternating a heating pad or heat pack with an ice pack. Vasodilation and vasoconstriction can help get the blood flowing to and away from this area, possibly reducing the severity of pain associated with inflammation. Alternate the hot and cold packs, leaving each one on for 1-4 minutes, making sure to end with the cold. It’s recommended you repeat the cycle 3 times.

4) Massage! – This one is pretty self-explanatory! Massage not only feels good and reduces stress, but it can be beneficial in softening the tissue surrounding the sciatic nerve, helping to create space.