Nei Yang Gong, a method of Wu Dang Qigong, first focuses on purifying and calming the Heart.  In part one of the form, we encourage the downward movement of fire to awaken the deep water of the Kidneys.  A calm Heart Shen can move towards awakening the Yuan Qi of the Kidney system, steaming the other organ systems, which leads to harmonizing the energetic connection between the Liver and Kidneys. The Liver stores blood and governs emotions while the Kidneys store essence.  There is an interrelationship between the two organ functions as blood transforms into essence and essence gives rise to blood. In part 2 of the form, with this theory in mind, our practice purifies and calms the Heart, then strengthens the Liver and Kidneys producing balanced emotions, restful sleep, and increased immunity. Nei Yang Gong also nourishes the Spleen and Stomach Qi strengthening the digestive system, preventing the accumulation of damp heat that may produce headaches, migraines, depression and stress. This practical, yet powerful method addresses many illnesses including depressed immunity, digestive diseases, diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, HBP, insomnia, anxiety and depression, and structural issues involving the lower half of the body.

This beautiful qigong method will help prepare us for the long winter ahead, by awakening and nourishing the Original qi of the Kidneys.  If we harvest this amazing qi cultivation in the fall, we will have plenty of storage to make it healthy through the winter.  We set ourselves up for a peaceful and nourished winter season, that leaves us ready to awaken to new energy in the spring.

I look forward to sharing this incredible qigong practice with you all!!!

I hope you will join me :)

This class will be offered as a part 1 stand alone, a part 2 stand alone, or as a parts 1&2 combination.

Class Info:

Part I- For The Heart,2:30-3:45pm, Aug 31- Sept 21 $99

Part II- For The Kidneys, Sept 28-October 19, $99

You can take either series or both for $179

You can register here:

For all class offerings, visit:
email any questions to
Thanks soo much!
I look forward to seeing you in class :)
Qi Bows,

About the Facilitator:    Kellie Chambers, L.Ac., MAOM, Dipl.Ac., Owner and Operator of MoonTree Medicine, LLC and an independent contractor at Hawthorn Healing Arts Center in Bend, Oregon, has studied Chinese Medicine for over a decade. She applies her passion for healing with ancient Eastern practices, in order to better serve her community. As a Licensed Acupuncturist focusing in Classical and Taoist approaches to health and balance, Kellie utilizes several modalities including Acupuncture, Asian Bodywork, Chinese Nutritional and Herbal Medicine, Qigong Therapies, Cupping, Gua sha, Moxa, Sound therapy and Essential Oils in her treatment sessions.