Join us for an open house.  We’ll have snacks and wine and will be featuring the art of Scott Dyer!







from the artist: I currently live in Bend, Oregon. I think it is here where I feel so connected to nature and perhaps provided the proper environment for me to find myself artistically.  I went to a “Paint Nite” several months ago, this is where you sip wine and sit with a group of people and paint along with an instructor and one of her paintings.  Well something sparked inside of me and the next thing you know my dining room is converted into my workshop and I’ve been painting ever since! Art is in all of us and we just need the right situation or “spark” to ignite that side of us. I have undertaken an intensive self-study of all the fine art disciplines (portraiture, landscapes, figurative study, representational and abstract studies) in order to find my style and what medium will be my voice.  Who knows? Maybe all of them! I will be retiring in a few years and plan to paint full time from there and visit places around the world and paint them. In the meantime I am enjoying the voyage.