Seasonal Allergies may be causing some confusion while we are also confronted with concerns of the symptoms of COVID-19.

Get the support you need with Dr. Stephanie Auerbach, ND to discern how to resolve your concerns.

Has that seasonal sneeze of yours returned recently?

As we’re getting into prime Spring allergy season, it’s sometimes hard to know how to differentiate between what may be allergy symptoms versus symptoms caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Many are getting hit pretty hard right now with pollen allergies, with a strong bloom from the Juniper trees and other trees.

Fever commonly develops when there is infection, but not always.

The upper respiratory and full body symptoms also usually differ between allergy and infection, but it is sometimes unclear at first.

If you find yourself dealing with this dilemma, or would simply like some naturopathic medical advice to address what you already know are seasonal allergies, schedule a Telemedicine Consult with Dr. Stephanie Auerbach.

Call Hawthorn today: 541 330 0334