By Dr. Stephanie Auerbach

SLEEP HYGIENE: Habits that aide in good restful sleep. Your body is counting on it!

I’m not talking about being fresh and clean for bedtime, though for some people this does help! If you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, here are some things to consider:

1. Consistency: go to bed at the same time every night.

2. Keep it dark: use blackout blinds or dark curtains to eliminate outside light. Turn off lights from electronics (e.g. clocks) or keep them covered. If needed, use a red night light. Sleep masks are also an option.

3. Technology: avoid screen time for 1 hour before you go to bed.

4. Temperature: optimal sleep temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees.

5. Avoid laying in bed awake: if you find yourself unable to sleep, get out of bed and do another calming activity in low light (e.g. read, stretch, etc.).

6. Sleep diary: experiment and see what works best for you!

7. Pets: I know I know, they’re your fur babies. Is it even worth mentioning that allowing them to sleep on the bed can be inhibiting your sleep? Probably not ❤️.

If you’ve tried all these things and are still struggling, there are numerous other options our team at Hawthorn can help you with.

Call our clinic to schedule an appointment: 541-330-0334

By Dr. Stephanie Auerbach