The Science of Acupuncture and the Elements

A Pathway to Holistic Healing in Classical Chinese Medicine Acupuncture, through its integration of the elements and its impact on the sympathetic nervous system, offers a profound approach to healing within the framework of Classical Chinese Medicine. By addressing the energetic imbalances associated with [...]

Unlocking the Health Benefits Sage

When we inhale the savory scent of herbal sage, we aren't just experiencing a culinary delight; they're also encountering a herb with a rich history of medicinal use. For centuries, sage has been celebrated worldwide for its remarkable health benefits, extending far beyond its [...]

Shamanic Acupuncture Now Available

David Watts, LAc is now offering Shamanic Acupuncture at Hawthorn Healing Arts by appointment (call 541-330-0334). Sessions are 90 minutes. Also ask about Massage and Acupuncture with David which includes 55 minute massage followed by 30 minutes of acupuncture .

Intuitive Energy Medicine: Bridging the Gap Between Mind and Spirit

Shanti O’Connor, MS, NCC, is a holistic therapist for the mind, body, and soul. Her approach to healing is grounded, practical, collaborative, straightforward and compassionate. Her practice is grounded in deep presence, mindfulness techniques and is solution focused. Her clients walk away feeling seen [...]

Effectiveness of Skullcap backed up by recent study

The evolutionary secrets that enable the medicinal herb known as barbed skullcap to produce cancer fighting compounds have been unlocked in recent study, backing up its long us in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The Gut-Brain Connection: Clues for greater mental and emotional well-being

Some medical conditions are well known to contribute to mental and emotional issues — but less commonly do we think about addressing digestive health problems, for example, as a strategy to help improve depression or anxiety.

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