The Returning – a course of acupuncture and journeying

Tuesday evenings beginning on 1/17/23 until 2/21/23 from 6-7:30. Each week you will receive an acupuncture session to initiate your mythic journey into of these prenatal meridians. We will explore our internal architecture and psychological aspects of these archetypal channels. These meridians are very supportive for those working with psychedelic medicines or working on a deep inner process.

Holistic Help for Painful Joints

For patients who complain of constant or recurring low back, neck, shoulder, knee and other joint pain, alternative remedies including massage and acupuncture - used in combination with supplements, diet changes, exercises and salt baths – can offer significant and lasting relief.

Alternative Medicine’s Approach to GERD

Naturopathic medicine’s approach to GERD will help reduce symptoms and work to discover new ways to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter. We focus on healing and rebuilding irritated mucosal membrane tissue with lifestyle changes, natural medicines and alternative therapies.

The benefits of acupuncture for menopausal women

Women who find themselves facing the difficult and uncomfortable symptoms associated with menopause may discover that acupuncture has quite a lot to offer. Our Chinese medicine practitioners advocate acupuncture for menopausal patients, touting its ability to function as a natural treatment for the discomforts [...]

Diverse Approaches for Anxiety & Stress Management

There are many treatment approaches to relieve anxiety and stress. My primary approaches are using craniosacral therapy and acupuncture, together with mindfulness practices. I find these treatments extremely helpful for treating anxiety. Acupuncture and craniosacral therapy get immediate results, taking someone out of a [...]

Get a whiff of this: Aromatherapy for better health

Aromatherapy is a practice used in complementary medicine that focuses on essential oils. It is an ancient science based on blending naturally extracted oils from plants which is utilized in a variety of ways to balance, harmonize, and promote health and well-being. It has [...]

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