Why you still need to detox

As a member of our Hawthorn community, you probably have a decent grasp on why detoxes are beneficial. I’m sure you’ve heard that they offer results like weight loss, clearer skin, better digestion, improved mood, more energy, etc. But what if you eat organic, exercise, drink filtered water, use clean products, in other words, do all the things? Do you still need to detox?

2023 Mind-Body Detox with Nutritionist Marisa Malzone

Classes start 2023. NEW DATES: Tuesdays, Jan 10, 17, 24 — To reserve your spot call 541-330-0334. Cost is $250 (includes Vegecleanse). In this program we will address the physical body, the mental/emotional body, and our environment to create a unique holistic approach to detoxification. Bring your body into balance with a group detox program designed to promote health and vitality so you can be your most vibrant self.

Testosterone is not just for men

By Rob Neilson, ND, LAc Testosterone, man’s sacred hormone, what gives us pep in our step, a roar to our yell, and well, motivation in the bedroom.  Testosterone is not just for men, women also absolutely need testosterone for bones, muscles, energy, and so [...]

Four Simple Steps to Staying Healthy

Naturopathic Advise on Staying Healthy How doing frour simple things can help keep you healthy.  Eat Clean. Exercise. Increase hydration. Sleep. 1. Eat Clean.  This means quit sugar. Yes NO sugar. Read all the labels (added sugars include brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, [...]

Aligning With the Seasonal Shifts

Self-Care for the Winter Season As we approach the Winter Solstice and feel the days getting shorter, how can we take care of ourselves in a way that aligns with the seasonal shifts? East Asian medicine is all about harmonizing our inner world with [...]

Issues are in the Tissues ~ Pain Management with Jesse Mae

Pain management can be a difficult topic to approach. Often the more pain we're in, the less we want to address it, as addressing it comes in the form of action. That action sometimes involves revisiting unpleasant moments from our past. As a massage therapist, [...]

2020-06-03T17:49:31-07:00Categories: Blog, Bodywork, Counseling|
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