Level 2 – SPECIFIC TREATMENT PATTERNS ON the Scar tissue and fascial connections.

Level 1- Learn about: 9:00-5:00pm -7 CEs

  • The benefits of cupping:
  • Free up soft tissue adhesions
  • Increase Energy
  • Decrease pain
  • Aid in muscle recovery and scar tissue removal
  • Increase circulation, etc…
  • Contraindications, precautions, and safety
  • The varieties of cups available and the pros and cons to varying style

Level 2 – Pre-requisite is level 1 training or instructor approval from past experience. Specific techniques used to alleviate pain and increase movement in the Low back and hips/shoulders and arms/scar tissue and fascial lines. 9:00am-5:00pm – 7 CEs

90% hands-on as you Learn:

  • Patterns held with the most common complaints and conditions in the low back and hips
  • Specific techniques and placement patterns used in cupping to alleviate chronic pain and increase movement in these target areas.


  • Level 1- $189/Level 2- $179
  • 2 day workshop package price $358

To Register, Visit Cupping Dynamix here

Follow the link below to watch an interview with Amber Clark and News channel 21 on the importance of Cupping Therapy.

Cupping interview/demo on KTVZ news channel 21

*Subscribe to our you tube channel.

Visit the links below to watch our videos for Fire Cupping. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Preparation:  https://youtu.be/H8V1TkfBQJ8

Sanitation/Precautions: https://youtu.be/2QO4FbQMGDk
