Special Lecture on Acid Blocking Drugs – March 31st
Join Dr Joshua Phillips, Hawthorn Center director, as he describes issues around conventional treatment for GERD (acid reflux / heartburn), and arguably safer and more effective holistic approaches. Find out why Americans using the 15 million prescriptions of acid blocking drugs monthly may be creating serious health problems for themselves. Learn how the health of the digestive system is fundamental to overall health and vitality, and find out about simple ways to improve the health of your GI tract without medications that compromise it’s most essential functions.
Solid research studies suggest that sustained acid blocking drug (PPIs) use increases the risk for developing:
Bone fracture
Mineral and vitamin deficiencies
Disturbed gut flora and digestive tract infections
Community acquired pneumonia
Esophageal cancers (previously the main argument for PPI drug use)
Colon cancer
Call our office at 541-330-0334 to reserve your seat