Hawthorn Healing Arts Welcomes Dr. Nicole Gansemer, ND

We are thrilled to announce the addition of Dr. Nicole Gansemer, ND to our multidisciplinary group of healthcare providers. Dr. Gansemer will be scheduling patient appointments later in November.

Getting a handle on an unusual cold & flu season

When dealing with seasonal viruses the body’s immune reaction can be tuned in advance to mitigate the severity and duration of the illness. With a little head’s up it is possible to fortify the body naturally before it happens and then shorten the virus's duration and decrease symptoms once it takes hold.

How to Stave off Colds, Flu & Infections

When you first feel yourself becoming sick, there are things you can do to avoid becoming ill or to shorten the duration of the illness.  These suggestions are especially helpful if you do them early on - as early as possible.  They will help you fend off flu, colds, or minor infections. 

2022-10-11T13:15:05-07:00Categories: Blog, Herbal Medicine, natural medicine, news, supplements|

Hawthorn Healing Arts Welcomes New Practitioners

We are excited to welcome these new practitioners to Hawthorn Healing Arts Center this month. As our practice continues to grow we are thrilled to be able to expand our unique healthcare model that offers patients a truly holistic approach to overall health and wellbeing.  [...]

Get to Know Your Lovable Liver

The human liver is an amazing organ – able to fully regenerate itself even when as much as 75 percent of the organ has been removed. It’s a particularly important organ, responsible for detoxification and energy production. As resilient as the liver is, it [...]

Holistic Help for Painful Joints

For patients who complain of constant or recurring low back, neck, shoulder, knee and other joint pain, alternative remedies including massage and acupuncture - used in combination with supplements, diet changes, exercises and salt baths – can offer significant and lasting relief.

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