Diverse Approaches for Anxiety & Stress Management

There are many treatment approaches to relieve anxiety and stress. My primary approaches are using craniosacral therapy and acupuncture, together with mindfulness practices. I find these treatments extremely helpful for treating anxiety. Acupuncture and craniosacral therapy get immediate results, taking someone out of a [...]


Four Simple Steps to Staying Healthy

Naturopathic Advise on Staying Healthy How doing frour simple things can help keep you healthy.  Eat Clean. Exercise. Increase hydration. Sleep. 1. Eat Clean.  This means quit sugar. Yes NO sugar. Read all the labels (added sugars include brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, [...]


Fenugreek goes above and beyond expectations

When you say ‘fenugreek’ to an herbal enthusiast the immediate thought might well be that it’s the go-to herb for lactating mothers. In fact, a long list of research, clinical studies and time honored medicinal uses for fenugreek reveals that there is a lot [...]


Regenerative Joint Injections: An Introduction to Prolotherapy

What is regenerative medicine? Regenerative medicine is a practice aimed at replacing or revitalizing damaged tissues or organs that may have been compromised due to disease, injury or aging. Basically, regenerative medicine focuses on healing, rather than treating symptoms with medication and procedures. Prolotherapy [...]


What can Nutritional IV Therapy do for you?

If you are a highly trained athlete or weekend warrior or simply someone who needs that extra boost to stimulate your health, IV nutrients can provide an essential healing boost that will take your health and well-being to the next level. Intravenous (IV) nutrient [...]

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