How to breath easy in an unpredictable world
The lungs by nature are susceptible to environmental pressures and viral infections, while at the same time they are amazingly resilient and able to heal and recover after illness.
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The lungs by nature are susceptible to environmental pressures and viral infections, while at the same time they are amazingly resilient and able to heal and recover after illness.
The human body is an elegantly designed ecosystem. When all body functions are working in harmony, good health thrives. When illness occurs due to a virus or infection or an encounter with an environmental force, it creates a ripple effect that can lead to [...]
Conventional medicine generally addresses autoimmune disease in a limited fashion, preferring to treat symptoms with medication. In a holistic practice, it is recognized that drugs tend to target only one aspect of a much larger disorder.
On COVID & Staying Well (and more). Hawthorn Healing Art's Dr. Joshua Phillips was recently interviewed by KPOV 88.9 FM's Shanti O’Connor covering a wide range topics including the recent award HHA received as 'Best Alternative Health Clinic in Central Oregon'. The conversation covers [...]
Congress asked to recognize the importance of vitamin D - As naturopathic doctors, we are fully aware of the countless scientific studies supporting vitamin D as essential for immune support. Vitamin D works to protect the body against invading pathogens, making it important for [...]
Healing Modern Digestive Distress Patients presenting with digestive issues is something that we are very familiar with as naturopathic physicians. Symptoms including gas, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain and heartburn rank as the most frequently reported complaints. These complaints frequently stem from poor diet and [...]