“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Are you sure? by Dr. Rob Neilson

Don’t skimp on sleep, no supplement can replace your beauty rest. The old adage, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead," has many shortcomings including killing your sex drive and aging your skin. Lack of sleep also increases your risk of serious health problems. ⁠ ⁠You need [...]


Your Heart: Cardiovascular Health & the Hawthorn Tree, by Joshua Phillips

"Having a change of heart," "Dealing with a broken heart," "Following your heart"--Just to name a few expressions we use that connect our motivations and feelings to our heart. The heart after all, is the symbol of love, right? Why would we associate so many [...]


Are you confused by seasonal allergies during this time of COVID-19?

Seasonal Allergies may be causing some confusion while we are also confronted with concerns of the symptoms of COVID-19. Get the support you need with Dr. Stephanie Auerbach, ND to discern how to resolve your concerns. Has that seasonal sneeze of yours returned recently? As [...]


Spring Detox & Cleanse starts April 30, Online with Dr. Kerie Raymond, ND

Spring Detox & Cleanse 4 sessions: April 30 to May 21 Offered Online with Dr. Kerie Raymond, ND Spring is the PERFECT time to honor, reset, and detox your body! Join a group cleansing process based on the Metagenics Clear Change Metabolic Detoxification Program and The [...]


Back-To-School Holistic Health Tips With Hawthorn’s Stephanie Auerbach, ND

Colder morning temps and shorter days signal the beginning of the best part of the year for many Central Oregonians – FALL! Less traffic, the brilliant colors of the surrounding forests, and time to get the kids back to school. It’s the perfect time of [...]

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