Sleep Duration is Vital for Heart and Brain Health

The American Heart Association presents a new metric highlighting the importance of sleep duration. Sleep impacts overall health, and people who have healthier sleep patterns manage health factors such as weight, blood pressure, or risk for Type 2 diabetes. Holistic medicine offers a wide range of tools for helping patience achieve a good night's sleep.

A Holistic Approach To Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism affects women more frequently than men, and often arises very insidiously with an onset of symptoms that can elude diagnosis until a physician orders the appropriate labs to detect the cause.

Music as Medicine

Engaging in music making and experiencing music has a huge impact on our bodies and contributes to a physiologic environment that is consistent with a healthy and balanced endocrine system, nervous system, and immune system.

Taking the bite out of seasonal allergy symptoms

Seasonal allergy symptoms are on the rise as trees and grasses begin to pollinate, releasing allergens into the air. As our human immune systems respond to this onslaught of pollens, the production of antibodies spikes to attack the allergens resulting in immune cells, called [...]

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. It is also the time of year where ticks start to wake up from their winter dormancy. Contrary to popular belief, Lyme disease does exist in Oregon, and I have successfully diagnosed and treated dozens of cases of both acute and chronic Lyme in people living all over the state.

The Gut-Brain Connection: Clues for greater mental and emotional well-being

Some medical conditions are well known to contribute to mental and emotional issues — but less commonly do we think about addressing digestive health problems, for example, as a strategy to help improve depression or anxiety.

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