Getting a handle on an unusual cold & flu season

When dealing with seasonal viruses the body’s immune reaction can be tuned in advance to mitigate the severity and duration of the illness. With a little head’s up it is possible to fortify the body naturally before it happens and then shorten the virus's duration and decrease symptoms once it takes hold.


Holistic Help for Painful Joints

For patients who complain of constant or recurring low back, neck, shoulder, knee and other joint pain, alternative remedies including massage and acupuncture - used in combination with supplements, diet changes, exercises and salt baths – can offer significant and lasting relief.


Allergies, Eczema & Asthma: The Naturopathic Approach for Children

Allergies, Eczema, and Asthma:  Supporting Children with Naturopathic Medicine By Joshua Phillip, ND As a parent of two kids and a naturopathic physician, I am passionate about offering a compassionate and holistic healthcare option for kids and their families.  The Naturopathic approach for children [...]

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