Dr. Joshua Phillips on The Wisdom of Fever

One of the most common experiences with seasonal viral infections, especially for kids, is for the body to develop a fever. Body and muscle aches, headaches, chills and general discomfort almost always accompany this rise in body temperature, so naturally we want to do whatever we can to alleviate this suffering — particularly when we see our kids struggling.

Intermittent fasting improves health in diabetes patients

After an intermittent fasting diet intervention, patients achieved complete diabetes remission, defined as an HbA1c (average blood sugar) level of less than 6.5% at least one year after stopping diabetes medication, according to a new study.

Yoga improves cardiovascular health and wellbeing

A three-month pilot study of patients with hypertension demonstrates that adding yoga to a regular exercise training regimen supports cardiovascular health and wellbeing and is more effective than stretching exercises. Incorporation of yoga reduced systolic blood pressure and resting heart rate and improved 10-year cardiovascular risk.

The Returning – a course of acupuncture and journeying

Tuesday evenings beginning on 1/17/23 until 2/21/23 from 6-7:30. Each week you will receive an acupuncture session to initiate your mythic journey into of these prenatal meridians. We will explore our internal architecture and psychological aspects of these archetypal channels. These meridians are very supportive for those working with psychedelic medicines or working on a deep inner process.

HBOT Offers Improvements for Long-Haul COVID

Nearly one in five adults who have had COVID-19 continue to suffer with “Long COVID” according to ongoing studies. More than 40 percent of all COVID patients experienced immediate neurologic issues, and a significant number of ‘recovered’ COVID patients complain of long term impaired [...]

Remarkable Healing with HBOT for Auto Accident Injuries

Auto accidents often cause traumatic brain injury (TBI) and/or concussion and the effects can last a long time with life-altering consequences. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a highly-effective, scientifically-proven treatment for TBI that some auto-accident insurers now support under the stipulations of personal injury protection laws in the State of Oregon.

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