The Physiology of Love and Attraction

Originally published in the Source weekly, from Dr Phillips' monthly column, The Medicine Cabinet Within. BY JOSHUA PHILLIPS, ND While the experience of falling in love and connecting deeply with another person might be better left to the musings of philosophers and poets, the training of psychiatric [...]

Mantras for the Aquarian Age — October 13th

Every 2nd Sunday - Next class: October 13th Original Music to Ancient & Future Sound Codes with Kat Rose, Marie Sonalet, David Watts & Gabriel Shonerd. Mantras for the Aquarian Age is sacred call and response singing intended to activate your Divine Template and [...]

2024-09-19T13:18:36-07:00Categories: Blog, Events, news|Tags: , |

Keeping It Clean: A word about detoxing in the New Year

What can we do to support our body's ability to keep itself healthy? Periodic focused cleanses can be helpful, but even more effective is a regular routine of supporting our vital functions of health and detoxification.

HBOT plus IV Therapy – Four week intensive to wellness

Dr. Joshua Phillips offers a comprehensive restorative and regenerative 4-week treatment program that provides the most comprehensive restorative and regenerative possibilities for patients seeking to maximize health while supporting the resolution of other existing health concerns.

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