Prolotherapy and Prolozone
Safe and Effective Treatments for Joint Pain and Repair
When ligaments and tendons are stretched, torn, or thinning the joint weakens and becomes painful. Prolotherapy and Prolozone repair these areas through directed injections to the injured site. The result is growth and repair of connective tissue, and stabilization of the joint. Joints typically do not get priority naturally from the immune system as other areas of the body do, causing joint injuries to linger. Prolotherapy and Prolozone stimulate a directed, strong and effective immune response for faster recovery and pain relief. Traditional treatments including steroid injections and surgery are more risky and often less effective.
This Procedure is recommended for:
- Athletic Injuries
- Low to Moderate Joint Degeneration
- Partially Torn Ligaments
- Osteoarthritis
- Joint Pain
- Decreased Mobility
Effectively Treats
- Partial Meniscal Tears
- MCL/LCL Tears
- Rotator Cuff Injury
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Adhesive Capsulitis
- Low Back Pain
- Sacroiliac Pain
- Degenerative Disc Pain
- Ankle Sprain
- More
Pain Relief and Joint Injury Repair
Prolotherapy is a Regenerative Joint Therapy that stimulates the body’s natural healing process. It involves injecting an immune stimulating solution to damaged tissues, inducing low-grade inflammation at the affected tissue site. It is a non-invasive alternative to surgical treatments and is used successfully for a variety of joint and muscle conditions.
The Added Benefit of Ozone with Prolotherapy injections is exponential. Ozone enhances the recruitment of growth factors, stimulating regeneration. Ozone also dissolves scar tissue, helps to control inflammation, enhances immune response, and provides cells with oxygen to increase healing activity and healing time.
Prolotherapy and Prolozone injections contain a combination of dextrose (as an irritant), procaine (to decrease pain signals) and B12 (to support cell regeneration) that together creates a localized and targeted inflammatory response. This response recruits immune cells and growth factors to the affected area helping to stimulate and repair the joint or site of injury. Several injections are usually indicated and are typically spaced four weeks apart. Most patients respond best with two or three treatments.
Prolozone: The Best Choice for Chronic Pain
Living with chronic pain is difficult, can cause high levels of stress, and negatively impact many aspects of life. Among the various treatments out there, Prolozone is truly superior to quickly relieving pain while also addressing the underlying cause of pain. So how does this work?
To best understand this process, let’s consider a partially torn ACL as an example. With prolozone, we are helping the immune system ‘remember’ the injury and ‘recruit’ a team of immune cells and growth factors to the damaged tissue. The injection, which contains dextrose, triggers the body to create localized inflammation at the ACL. The inflammation causes the local blood vessels to open, flooding the knee with fresh blood and oxygen. The inflammation mobilizes and stimulates the body’s tissue builders, growth factors, fibroblasts, and cytokines to rebuild connective tissues, and strengthen the ACL. The body’s macrophages (think cellular Pac-man) arrive to clean up damaged tissue and rid the body of cellular debris. B12 in the injection enhances immune cell energy, and the procaine in the injection gives immediate relief to the painful region.
Then we add Ozone (O3) generated from a medical-grade ozone machine. The addition of ozone causes enhanced recruitment of growth factors stimulating repair, dissolves scar tissue, controls inflammation and reduces pain, provides cells with oxygen to increase healing activity, and enhances healing time.
Are Prolotherapy and Prolozone Right for You?
Prolotherapy and Prolozone are phenomenal treatments for chronic musculo-skeletal pain that has resulted from an old injury or overuse. They are also an effective choice osteoarthritis, and minor ligament and tendon tears. Below is a list of some common conditions that prolotherapy addresses:
- Sciatica
- Osteoarthritis
- Compressed vertebral discs
- Partially torn ligaments or tendons of the knee or shoulder
- Tendonitis or tendinosis of the elbow or shoulder
- Plantar fasciitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Chronic neck pain
- Chronic headaches
- TMJ syndrome
- And many more conditions
Some conditions cannot be addressed with prolotherapy or prolozone. Conditions that are not appropriate for prolotherapy include joint pain resulting from autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, or complete ligaments and tendon tears.
Schedule a Consultation
Whether you’re managing chronic knee pain, joint pain or recovering from an injury, Prolozone and Prolotherapy offers personalized, non-invasive approach to healing.