Dr Sonja Halsey ND
Specializing in Joint Regenerative Therapies, Neurophysiological Wellness, and a Functional Medicine Approach to Mental Health.

About Dr. Halsey
Dr. Sonja Halsey is a licensed Naturopathic Physician in the state of Oregon, graduating from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. She holds a B.S. in Cell and Molecular Biology from Eastern Michigan University, and worked for 8 years at the University of Michigan Medical School researching topics in molecular oncology before attending graduate school. After completing residency at TrueNorth Health Center, Dr Halsey spent six years working in integrative primary care, women’s health, and regenerative joint medicine.
Dr Halsey is excited to be back at Hawthorn Healing Arts and offering her specialization in Joint Regenerative Therapies. Her current offerings include Prolotherapy and Prolozone, Platelet-Rich Plasma, and Ozone Therapies. These innovative approaches support the body’s natural healing ability through targeted injections. Regenerative joint therapies are effective for anyone: from athletic injury to people in chronic pain desiring to be more active and achieve their health goals. Regenerative Injections work wonders for the following conditions:
- Minor to intermediate ligament and tendon tears
- Joint inflammation and pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Joint Degeneration
- Athletic Injury (new and old)
- Chronic pain
Dr Halsey is also offering a functional medicine approach to mental health care and neurophysiological wellness. The current paradigm of mental healthcare is rooted in therapy and psychiatric medication. While these can be helpful tools, they are not always providing the full picture for healing. As part of your mental health care team, Dr Halsey takes an objective approach, investigating underlying causes through comprehensive testing, while helping her patients find consistency in lifestyle and nutritional changes that can improve mental, emotional, and brain health. While many treatments offered by mental health practitioners address the emotions and psyche, finding and addressing physiological health issues can have a positive impact on the brain, nervous system, and mental health. Dr. Halsey also utilizes nervous system regulation techniques including breathwork, craniosacral therapy, and teachable tools to enhance mind-body connection.
Some areas Dr. Halsey considers when taking a functional approach to mental health:
- Gut Inflammation, Leaky Gut, and Food Sensitivities
- Body and Brain Inflammation
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Mineral Imbalances
- Toxin Burden such as Heavy Metals and Environmental Toxins
- Genetic and Epigenetic Factors
- Neurotransmitter Balance
- Hormone Balance and Thyroid Function
- Chronic Stress and Nervous System Regulation
Through her own healing journey, Dr Halsey understands how effective including a functional medicine approach is for lasting and positive changes to mental wellbeing and optimal brain function.
Some Neurophysiological Conditions Dr Halsey Treats:
- Depression and Dysthymia
- Anxiety
- Hormone Related Mood Shifts
- Emotional and Mental Sensitivities (HSP)
- Apathy, Anhedonia
- Brain Fog and Chronic Fatigue
- Those Seeking Optimized Brain Health and Wellness
In her free time, Dr Halsey loves to be active in the outdoors, enjoying all the natural beauty Central Oregon has to offer. She also enjoys spending time with friends and loved ones, cooking up nourishing meals, meditation, and study astrology.