Are you ready to explore and expand your experience of Reiki?
Are you excited to dive deeper into the mystery and subtlety of the human energy field?

If your answer is YES, please join Lisa for another joyful and inspired journey into the heart of Reiki healing. Reiki Level 2 is open to all who have completed a Level 1 training.

Level 2 Reiki includes an additional and specific set of symbols that will greatly enhance your ability to connect with and channel Reiki energy. Used specifically for clearing, energizing and healing across time-and-space, the Reiki 2 symbols are unique to the Reiki lineage, and are powerful and effective tools in continuing to give Reiki to yourself, as well as to others.

Reiki 2 Training and Attunement includes learning about and experiencing:

~The Reiki 2 symbols, as noted above.

~Long-distance healing, including the symbol and technique for connecting and creating long-distance healing sessions across physical location.

~Healing the past, including the symbol and internal practice for connecting and creating healing sessions across time. Imagine…traveling back into the timeline of your own life and sending Reiki energy to your past self? What if you could sit where you are right now, and send your 3-year-old self Reiki?!

~Clearing and energizing ‘every-day’ items, spaces and experiences using Reiki symbols and energy. Learn techniques to clear and charge crystals, food, water (you will taste the difference!), your home and other living and/or work spaces! The Reiki symbols are wonderful tools for clearing out lower vibrations in both solid objects, as well as the spaces in which we spend our time.

~Increasing your personal energy awareness via a second energy attunement. The Reiki 2 attunement increases one’s ability to flow energy through your energy channel(s) and through/out your hands. Similarly, as your hands become more activated with each Reiki attunement, they become more aware of energy flows and “turn on” more readily.

~Giving Reiki in other contexts besides a one-on-one session on a table. We will share a protocol and hand positions for giving seated/chair Reiki healing sessions, for example.

Date: Sunday, February 17th, 9:30-4pm

Investment: $135 ~ Early Bird Registration. $145 after Feb 1st!!

Investment includes a Reiki Level 2 manual and certificate of completion. 6 hands on CEU credits are available for Oregon LMTs.

**Please bring a potluck lunch to share** and a water bottle.

For more information please text Lisa at 808-887-0830 or
email her at

I look forward to sharing Reiki 2 with you!

Blessings ♥,