Fresh from World Fest and Beloved, join brothers Adam and Izzy Ramirez (Ancestral Medicine Revival) with special guest, Horyu on a journey of sound. Together, utilizing crystal bowls, native flue and drum, didgeridoo, hand pans and other sacred instruments, you will be guided through a soundscape for eliciting healing, integration and allowance of the mind and body to enter a deep meditation.

Every time these two come to town, it is a sold out event. For space considerations, you need to call or text your RSVP to 208-851-8083 with name and number in your group . Payment at the door of $20 but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. There will be mats, blankets and pillows but feel free to bring your own to ensure a cozy space for your experience.

Any questions can be directed to .

From Ancestral Medicine Revival: “Existence came from light, creation came from sound. Sound is how our cells communicate with each other which is a derivative of light, different rays of light carry their own note/sound which is why our energy centers have their own color and respond to their respective note/frequency.
Cymatics is the science of visual audio frequency and it tell us that sound also creates a geometrical shape configured by each frequency, the higher the hertz the more complex the shape. You don’t necessarily see sound so it follows holographic sound principles which is all about triggering one series of events to another series of events through the timbre. Which is what we are trying to accomplish in holding these sound baths/healings, to provide an environment for an individual to journey into higher dimensions/higher states consciousness through sound depending on the individual’s vibratory level.
Since the hydrogen atom (water) is the most sensitive to sound, it receives energy as motion/rotation/frequency and different frequencies of light shower the atom. So essentially the hydrogen atom carries consciousness into the cells.