MIND BODY MEDICINE, by Joshua Phillips, ND
One of the finest and most pointed examples of the connection between our mind and how it affects the body (and vice versa) is the effect that chronic stress has on our immune systems.
Cortisol, a hormone that when in balance helps with regulation of many body systems, can become dysregulated with chronic and protracted stress. This dysregulation can contribute to many health problems, including inhibition of our immune system’s capacity to effectively deal with microbes and minimize illness.
There has been just a bit of talk about viruses lately, without a lot of encouragement for simple and effective ways to take better care of ourselves. I am here to tell you that there are MANY WAYS to address chronic worry and stress and that by doing so, you will be increasing the likelihood of having a healthy response to all things microbial.
MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: For the next 5 days, take 5 minutes TWICE daily (I’d recommend setting a reminder on your phone), and step away from what you are doing.
- Sit down,
- Close your eyes,
- Breathe slowly and rhythmically.
- Inhale.
- Exhale.
That’s it. 5 minutes. Breathing. Twice a day.
If this is easy for you, you can take it to the next level by doing a “body scan” while you are breathing, “looking” inside yourself. Start with your feet and work your way slowly up to your head –not trying to change anything, rather just “observing” and noticing what you sense and feel internally. Follow the lead of what arises for you… you might be surprised.
Believe it or not, this simple daily practice can have a tremendous reach for how you are feeling about things in your life and the world at large. Prove the MIND BODY CONNECTION for yourself. You have the power to make positive changes and adjustments to your thoughts and feelings, and this will lead to positive changes in your physiology as well.