Naturopathic Pediatric Care

By Joshua Phillip, ND Naturopathic pediatrics is a distinct approach to the health and wellness of your child. Diagnostic methods such as laboratory testing and physical exams are performed in a similar manner to conventional medicine, as it is important to be thorough and [...]

Allergies, Eczema & Asthma: The Naturopathic Approach for Children

Allergies, Eczema, and Asthma:  Supporting Children with Naturopathic Medicine By Joshua Phillip, ND As a parent of two kids and a naturopathic physician, I am passionate about offering a compassionate and holistic healthcare option for kids and their families.  The Naturopathic approach for children [...]

Fenugreek goes above and beyond expectations

When you say ‘fenugreek’ to an herbal enthusiast the immediate thought might well be that it’s the go-to herb for lactating mothers. In fact, a long list of research, clinical studies and time honored medicinal uses for fenugreek reveals that there is a lot [...]

What can Nutritional IV Therapy do for you?

If you are a highly trained athlete or weekend warrior or simply someone who needs that extra boost to stimulate your health, IV nutrients can provide an essential healing boost that will take your health and well-being to the next level. Intravenous (IV) nutrient [...]

Memory issues? Don’t forget about gotu kola

From improving wound healing to easing anxiety, gotu kola is a powerful herbal remedy that offers a wide range of health benefits. Essentially gotu kola is a revitalizing herb that strengthens nervous system function and improves memory. It is a balancing tonic that brings [...]

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