— Originally published in the Source weekly, from Dr Phillips’ monthly column, The Medicine Cabinet Within.

One of the founding principles of naturopathic medicine is a tenet called Vis Medicatrix Naturae, a Latin phrase that translated means “the healing power of nature”. This principle sums up one of the central observations of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived over two thousand years ago, and whose work and writing earned him the distinction of the father of modern medicine.

This principle points to the body’s ability to heal itself as an inherent part of human physiology, and that all the body’s systems are constantly at work addressing imbalances in an effort to bring themselves back to a state of health. Hippocrates believed, as do many contemporary holistic physicians, that the highest calling of a physician is not to manage or suppress an individual’s symptoms, but rather to support or even enhance the body’s ability to restore itself to a state of health and vitality.

Further, is the concept that many of those things that ail us and create pain or discomfort may not in fact be the ultimate problem, but rather symptoms of a process the body is going through in an attempt to restore health. Fever is a terrific example of an uncomfortable set of symptoms that is one of the body’s most hard wired and effective ways to address bacteria or viruses that are threatening infection. It is tempting for the patient and physician to want to ease discomfort and suppress the fever, but in doing so will also be suppressing this aspect of the body’s innate capacity for self-healing.

To take the principle of Vis Medicatrix Naturae further and think like Hippocrates, while supporting the body’s ability to heal, we are also challenged to “remove any obstacles to cure”—those things that might be compromising the body’s self-healing capacity. This often leads to a deep dive that can include many areas of an individual’s life. Diet is often the first thing that comes to mind, as it is intuitive that consistently poor diet along with an excess of indulgences can challenge the “Vis”. Environmental contributors (perhaps many more than in Hippocrates’ time) are often considerations, mental and emotional stressors, as well as the very real issue of poly-pharmacy (many medications creating physiologic problems) can all act as obstacles to cure for the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

While just a bit of a sidestep, in consideration of the fact that it is fundamentally our nature to heal, it is not much of a stretch to consider that Nature itself offers a healing force that can be embraced as an ally in our individual journeys toward greater wellness and vitality. Many can attest to this, as time spent in nature seems to very quickly bring a heightened sense of well-being, and an easing of mental and emotional stress– a state of being that is in and of itself a catalyst for healing.

Without doing anything at all, time spent relaxing or frolicking in nature should be seen as a reliable companion to any treatment plan, if the goal is to enhance and support the body’s ability for self-healing. In addition to recreating in nature, time spent simply sitting quietly next to the river or beside a lake can be profoundly peaceful and healing in its own right.

Considering where we live in central Oregon, this time of year makes it very easy to spend time in our beautiful mountains, on the lakes or playing in the river. In this way, our ability to purposefully tap into Vis Medicatrix Naturae might be literally just outside the back door.

Appointments with Dr. Phillips are available by calling 541-330-0334 email or visit our online request form.