It's easy to forget that after childbirth, moms need as much care and attention as their babies. The postpartum period is a time of immense physical, emotional, and mental changes, and ensuring that mothers receive the right support during this phase is crucial.

Supporting Maternal Health Postpartum

Stephanie Auerbach, ND Dr. Auerbach is an Oregon State Board Certified Naturopathic Physician treating acute and chronic health complaints for the whole family.

Stephanie Auerbach, ND is a Naturopathic Physician treating acute and chronic health complaints for the whole family.

Naturopathic medicine emphasizes a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit. By addressing the whole person, as naturopathic doctors we focus on supporting new mothers in achieving optimal health and well-being during the postpartum period and beyond. This approach not only aids in recovery but also promotes long-term health and vitality for mothers as they continue to care for themselves and their families.

When a baby is born, much of the attention naturally shifts to the newborn. It’s easy to forget that after childbirth, moms need as much care and attention as their babies. The postpartum period is a time of immense physical, emotional, and mental changes, and ensuring that mothers receive the right support during this phase is crucial.

The Overlooked Recovery

Once the baby arrives, the focus often turns to their needs, leaving moms to manage their own recovery. However, childbirth takes a significant toll on the body, and mothers need time and care to heal. Postpartum check-ups are essential for monitoring recovery, whether it was a vaginal delivery or a C-section. Regular check-ups ensure that any issues, such as infections, healing complications, or hormonal imbalances, are caught early and treated.

Nutritional Needs and Physical Healing

During pregnancy, women focus on nutrition to support the baby’s development. However, after birth, proper nutrition is just as important for the mother’s recovery and, in many cases, breastfeeding. Nutrient-dense meals that support healing, energy levels, and hormone balance should be prioritized. Nutritional counseling or personalized dietary plans can be extremely helpful in this phase, as they ensure mothers get the right balance of vitamins and minerals to aid in their recovery.

Physical recovery from childbirth can take weeks, even months. Many moms experience issues like pelvic floor weakness, abdominal separation, or back pain. Gentle exercises, including yoga or physical therapy, can help the body recover strength and flexibility, ensuring moms feel better physically as they adjust to their new role.

Emotional and Mental Well-being

The emotional challenges after giving birth can be just as significant as the physical ones. Postpartum depression, anxiety, or general feelings of overwhelm are not uncommon. While these feelings can often be overlooked, they need to be taken seriously. Whether through counseling, support groups, or mindfulness practices, addressing mental health postpartum is a critical part of ensuring overall well-being.

Moms should be encouraged to check in with themselves, acknowledging any feelings of stress, sadness, or exhaustion and seeking the help they need. Emotional well-being is as important as physical health during this time, and support from family, friends, and health professionals can make all the difference.

Hormones and Energy Levels

The postpartum period is marked by a massive hormonal shift as the body adjusts to no longer being pregnant. These changes can lead to mood swings, fatigue, and other issues that impact daily life. Finding natural ways to support hormone balance, like through nutrition, sleep, and rest, can help moms feel more in control of their energy and emotions.

Moms should also ensure they’re not dealing with any underlying issues like thyroid imbalances or anemia, both of which can contribute to fatigue. Regular lab work can help catch any deficiencies or imbalances that need to be addressed.

Routine Monitoring for Ongoing Wellness

A few weeks after giving birth, the typical postpartum check-up with a healthcare provider often happens. But these check-ups should go beyond just the initial visit. Regular follow-ups, whether through check-ins or lab work, are essential to monitor a mom’s recovery and overall health. Monitoring things like hormone levels, vitamin deficiencies, or other health markers ensures that mothers are not only healing but thriving.

Holistic Care for Mothers

Incorporating a more holistic approach to postpartum care means looking at the whole person. It’s about balancing physical recovery with emotional support and helping moms feel confident as they navigate their new roles. A mother’s wellness is vital not just for herself but for her family, and providing that support lays the foundation for long-term health and happiness.

The postpartum phase shouldn’t be rushed or neglected. By ensuring mothers get the care, attention, and support they need—whether through nutrition, mental health support, or regular check-ups—they can recover fully and feel empowered as they step into motherhood.

Appointments with Dr. Auerbach are available by calling 541-330-0334 email or visit our online request form.